
Are you ready for Pilates ? Join us and come say hi! We would love to have you in our Pilates session.

How to Join your First Class

  • Press the account button at the top of our page or follow this link
  • You will need to register new account to our booking service
  • Please provide valid information
  • Once you finish registering your account it is time to book your first class
  • Login with your email and your password you provided to the register form
  • Once login you will see the calendar
  • Choose the date of your preference in order to see available classes and instructors


No Shoes

Leave your shoes and your stress at the door and walk the studio barefoot. We provide shoe storage at the entrance and keep the space and our minds clean and carefree. Don’t forget your craziest socks in the winter


Water, tea and fridge space are available at our secret kitchen area. Ask for a glass or bring your refillable water bottle to refresh yourself with H2O. We also sell premium quality nut butters and healthy bites for energy kicks.


Our showers are stocked with shampoo, body wash and lotion. Get yourself a few moments of rejuvenation after the workout, before returning to the real world.

Changing Rooms

Changing rooms with clothing racks and storage space for your bags, clothes and coats. Our two changing rooms are safe and secure for you to get changed, use the bathroom and store your stuff